A classical meeting place
The Grand Hôtel in Stockholm has been home to celebrities, high-profile events and everyday bon-vivants since 1874. It was French chef Régis Cadier who took the initiative and founded the first Swedish hotel to live up to the renowned continental-style hotels around Europe. Not only is the Cadier Bar named after him, but his memory lives on in our first-class guest services and love for glamorous events at the hotel.

Behind the discrete façade movie stars, rock stars and presidents have found their place. Nobel Laureates and royalty have also made the hotel a home away from home. The very first Nobel banquet took place at the Grand Hôtel in 1901. And it was held in the Spegelsalen until 1929, until the event became too large and was moved to the Stockholm City Hall. However, the award winners and their families still stay with us and as tradition goes, the laureates are woken up on December 13 to coffee, saffron buns and young voices singing Santa Lucia.
In 1909 a new, majestic part of the hotel was inaugurated, the Grand Hôtel Royal. The jewel in the crown was the Vinterträdgården or Winter Garden, functioning as a green oasis in contrast to the snow and ice outside. The woman behind this magnificent hall and adjoining lounges was the legendary hotel directress Wilhelmina Skogh, who still keeps a watchful eye over the staff from her portrait.
Eventually much of the greenery gave way to an audience of dancing Stockholmers. The Grand Hôtel Royal became the new hot spot when jazz made a breakthrough in the 1930s. Tails or smoking was a must on the dance floor, where guests danced the night away to the Thore Ehrling orchestra.
In 1968, the Wallenberg family took over the hotel, which they still own today through FAM AB. In 1974, The 100th anniversary of the hotel was celebrated by making the popular summer veranda outside the hotel permanent. (Nowadays you can celebrate summer – or all the seasons – at the Veranda restaurant whatever the weather.) Inaugurated by Prince Bertil, he emphasized in his speech that the Grand Hôtel has always been a concern for the whole nation, which is why he had agreed to inaugurate something as mundane as a couple of verandas.
So exactly who are these celebrities who stay at the Grand Hôtel? That’s information that we won’t be divulging. However, in the book Grand Hôtel, which was published in celebration of the hotel’s 125 anniversary, author Lennart Jarnhammar gathered a number of names of historical importance, from Martin Luther King and Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco to Frank Sinatra and Greta Garbo.
But it’s not just celebrities who frequent our magnificent hotel. The hotel is also home to everyday bon-vivants, who want to indulge in the luxury, comfort and first-class welcome of a classic, five-star hotel at one of Stockholm’s best addresses. Something we’re very happy about.